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Services: Collecting, Analyzing & Reporting Data
Analytics and Data Reporting

What gets measured, gets done, is a statement that holds true for most of us. Yet many companies struggle with either not measuring or measuring the wrong things. We at ProMeasure understand the importance of effective measurement and the impact it can have on your business. We offer solutions that ensure visibility, access, and actionable insights, enabling you to achieve increased productivity, better forecasting, and improved sales. With improved visibility into your operations, you can make informed decisions, identify areas for improvement, and drive meaningful change within your organization.

At ProMeasure, our mission is to support you in measuring the right things and leveraging data-driven insights to propel your business forward.

MyInsight Reports

Provide your team with real-time, actionable insights directly on their iPads. Our easy-to-use MyInsights reports cover a variety of CRM core areas, such as Multichannel Cycle Plans, Account Plans, and common or custom KPIs defined by you. We offer two templates, one for a classic Cycle Plan and one for Multichannel Cycle Plans. Additionally, we can develop a custom dashboard with your desired KPIs.

Our Engagement Dashboard highlights key areas for the KAM, including:

  • Call distribution: which channel is most used and which is the least.
  • Coverage: Is the KAM following their Cycle Plan?
  • Frequency: How many calls per day is the KAM executing?
  • Frequency Attainment: How many targets has the KAM achieved 100% attainment?

With these dashboards, your team will have key SFE KPIs directly in their hands, allowing them to monitor their own performance and streamline their work by showing their most valuable customers and important figures.

Have Any Questions?

Feel free to get in touch with any of our Business Development Directors to learn more. 

René Jørgensen: Senior Director, Business Development & Owner

René Jørgensen

Pauline Millaard: Managing Director

Pauline Millaard

Dorte Ertbøll: Director, Business Development

Dorte Ertbøll